Seventh Symposium of Study on Mathematical Work

ETM meetings are international symposia organized in the form of working groups around issues related to mathematics didactics and related fields, based on the participants' papers. The symposium formula encourages exchanges between participants and allows the formation of a community of researchers with common interests. The Symposium will last 6 days and will be trilingual, like the previous ones (English, Spanish, French). Communications, both oral and poster, may be in one of these three languages; oral presentations will be accompanied by an electronic slideshow, which must be in one of the other two languages of the symposium. The meeting will be organized around four themes, and each contribution must fit into one of the proposed themes. The number of participants is limited to 25 per theme to facilitate interaction and discussion. Each theme of the Symposium will be introduced by a plenary presentation, recalling in particular the achievements of previous symposia, and sharing activities between themes are also planned.

The ETM 7 symposium is supported by the "Association pour le Développement et la Diffusion de la Recherche sur les Espaces de Travail Mathématiques (ADRETM)".



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